Genealogy Advertising Cooperative

Bringing together genealogists and advertisers.

Glossary of Terms

click leads
When a qualified person clicks on your advertisement to learn more about your product or service, this is called a click lead.
for-profit advertiser
An advertiser who is offering products or services in the expectation of making a profit.
Each time an advertisement is seen by a prospective (and, in this case, qualified) person is called an impression.
not-for-profit advertiser
An advertiser who is offering services with no expectation of making a profit.
In advertising, a person who is known to have an interest in the product or service being advertised is called a qualified lead. Ads in the Genealogy Advertising Cooperative are always displayed to qualified leads.

I am interested in ...
joining the cooperative as an advertiser
joining the cooperative as a website owner
more information about the cooperative

Copyright © 1997 Sanbachs, LC